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Uniq Luxury
Uniq Luxury

Pregunta a nuestros especialistas
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"This project consists of 4 towers, each named after an element. At th e top of the 4" "apartment towers,you will find spectacular themed terraces with infinity pools and experiences to boost your energy and connect with al l your senses. ""Agua"" (water), the" "wellness sky roof, will feature the spa, sauna, steam room, cold baths,and an infinity pool. The nomads sky roof of the ""Luz"" ( light) tower i s set to home to th e coworking space, complete with private areas for i nfl uencers, nest Wi-Fi, jun gle view meeting rooms, a ju ice bar and coffee station, h ammocks, and an i nfin i ty pool. On top of the ""Ocaso""(su nset) tower you can find th e social sky roof. lt offers th e perfect place for comm unity, wh ether you sh are a drink at th e swi ng or swim-up bar, or if you enjoy the game room and the infinity pool." "Finally, ""Ai re"" (air), is home to the training sky roof. Offering everyth ing from the" "air-cond itioned i ndoor gym,an outdoor raw gym, spaces for functional train ing, pressu re showers as well as another infinity pool, it will have a ll you r workout needs covered." "In addition,you r penthouse wil l feature its very own spacious private rooftop with a lounge" "area,a large outdoor d in ing space, a sundeck,a pergola,a BBQ area,a half bathroom, and the pool of a lmost 360 square feet.On the lower level, th e penthouse consists of 4 bedrooms, each with their respective ensu ite bathroom. Three of the 4 bedrooms are" "plan ned and equipped with a lock-off system, allowing them to be rented out independently." "Finally, there is the l arge open kitch en that connects to the dining/living room area."
Pregunta a nuestros especialistas
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Tanto si se trata de un lugar para disfrutar, o de un hogar definitivo, nuestros expertos cuentan con la experiencia necesaria para asesorarte en cada una de las fases del ciclo inmobiliario.
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