Bright th ree-bed room luxu ry vil la with two private pools Th is u nique development in the j ungl e of region fifteen offers tranq uil ity and luxu ry in a "beautiful environment. The 30 luxurious vil las are bu ilt surrounding by private swi mming pools as the centre allows each un it to h ave view to landscaped gard en and to th e Central Restaurant. All un its features private swi mming pools, en-suite bathroom s, d in ing" "areas,floor to ceil ing glass doors with open views to th e sundeck, lounge areas with the breezy splendid atmosphere of Tulum, and much more:" - Private swim m ing pool - Central restau ra nt - Rooftop private pool - Living with views to sundeck - Lounge areas - State-of-the-art gym - Surrounded by tranqu il nature - Private beach club The villa features three bedrooms and th ree baths for a total interior space of one thousand eight hu ndred and th irty square feet (170 m2 . The spacious interior is compl emented by fifteen h undred and forty square feet (143 m2 "of terraces, garden and fina lly the private" pool and su ndeck. "lf you are i nterested in this project, please don't hesitate to contact my team and me."
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